Author Sang Hoon Ji, Joon Oh Park, Jee yun Lee, Mi Jung Oh, Do Hyoung Lim, Byeong Bae Park, Keun Woo Park, Se Hoon Lee, Ki hyun Kim, Won Seog Kim, Chul Won Jung, Young Suk Park, Young Hyuck Im, Won Ki Kang, Mark H Lee, Keun chil Park
Place of duty Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul Korea.
Title Three Cases of Synchronous Solid Tumor and Multiple Myeloma
Publicationinfo Cancer Research and Treatment 2004 Oct; 036(05): 338-340.
Key_word Multiple myeloma,Synchronous neoplasm,Second neoplasm
Abstract The association between a multiple myeloma and a secondary solid tumor is not well established. Some reports showed an increased risk of secondary solid neoplasms in multiple myeloma patients, but others have not. Three cases of the synchronous occurrence of multiple myelomas and solid tumors, namely, a small cell carcinoma of the lung, an adenocarcinoma of the colon and a squamous carcinoma of the pyriform sinus were experienced at our hospital. Therefore, herein is reported the clinical courses and treatment results. The stage of multiple myeloma was Durie-Salmon stage I in all of three cases; therefore, the solid tumors were treated as a primary target because the prognosis of early stage multiple myeloma is generally better than that of advanced solid tumor, while a smoldering or stage I myeloma do not need primary therapy until progression of the multiple myeloma. Two patients died of their solid tumors, but one patient is alive. (Cancer Research and Treatment 2004; 36:338-340)